"Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity..." --John Muir, 1898

I hiked to the highest point in Colorado sunday: Mt. Elbert. I went with the singles group. We camped together the night before and had a great time. I wandered off for a few minutes with my camera saturday evening and took a few snapshots of the summit of Mt. Elbert in the distance under some foreboding clouds and Half Moon Creek (where we camped), but I forgot my camera sunday morning. So you'll have to take me at my word that the views were beautiful up top. The hike was, I believe, only class 1, but was strenuous. Out of 11 who attempted, 8 summited, and one of those experienced some altitude sickness as well. The height of the experience, however, seems to be directly proportional to the difficulty of the ascent. (Final photo courtesy John Adams.)
Mt. Elbert is a pretty dorky name for the highest peak in Colorado, don't you think? Don't get me wrong -- it doesn't lessen my respect for the ascent. You seem to get high just about every weekend!
I saw a guy at the Four Corners Folk Festival who looked just like you. Did a double-take.
"Mt. Elbert is a pretty dorky name for the highest peak in Colorado"
Says a guy with a girls name. Pff!
Photos look great, Kev. I continue to admire you while feeling guilty that I don't take on the feats that you do. Stay safe!
Geez, you two...
I agree about the name. It might as well be Mt. Bob. Couldn't they have come up with something better? I mean, just about anything would be.
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