Day 10: Pompeii
Jared and I took a day trip to Pompeii, one of the highest on my list of places to visit before I die. I wasn't disappointed! Because even a short description/history of Pompeii would take more time than I have to write, I will leave it to the experts and simply share a few photos with you. Simply put, if you get a chance and you don't mind walking your legs off, you must, must, must see this amazing place. It is so enormous you can't see it all in a day, but we sure tried!
Entrance to the Pompeii ruins.

Columns in the Forum.

The Forum with Mt. Vesuvius in the background. This mountain used to be a cone, but it now looks like this after the eruption that buried Pompeii.

The Basilica.

Another view of "inside" the Basilica.

Indentations and hollows of bodies (with skeletons) were found in the hard ash while excavating Pompeii. Archaeologists filled these with plaster and this is one example of the result.

A detail of one of the baths near the Forum.

A well-preserved fresco in one of the homes.

A bakery.

A typical street at Pompeii.

The Temple of Isis, for the city's Egyptian community.

Inside the Temple of Isis.
The theater near the Temple of Isis.

Inside another home.

A fresco inside this home.

A colonnade (I can't remember where).

Does anybody know Latin? This is a fragment of a placard that hung outside the...
Main Amphitheater.

Evening comes to a street in Pompeii.

Another ruin.

A part of a magnificent fresco.

Another street in Pompeii. The ruts you see were made by chariot wheels almost 2,000 years ago.

Sunset falls over an arch that leads into Pompeii.
The next day can be found here.
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