"Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity..." --John Muir, 1898

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hike: Missouri Mountain

Missouri Mountain, 14,067'
August 1, 2009

I was able to climb Missouri Mountain on a rare and perfect Colorado day: a fresh dusting of snow on the peaks, great temperatures, and no threats of thunderstorms or rain in the afternoon. The hike was a standard Class 2 hike with the exception of a bit of 2+ scrambling on The Crux on the ridge. The ridge was awesome; great views of the valleys and mountains on either side. Fantastic.

I did have a run-in with a rogue marmot, however. Check out the pics below. Somebody has been feeding this fella. Not a good thing for animals that must learn to survive on their own during harsh winters on the alpine tundra. Nevertheless, the little guy first took a liking to my hiking pole, then got friendly with my boot. He licked and licked it. I remained calm during the event until he rose up on his hindquarters and put his front paws on my leg. That's where I drew the line!

These photos are not mine. Once again, I left my camera in the car, so my coworker took the photos and are his property.

Missouri Mountain, straight ahead.

Hikers climbing Mt. Belford, another fourteener nearby.

Hikers descending The Crux.

Yours Truly descending The Crux.

One of the many beautiful views from the top.

Me and the rogue marmot.

*Sniff Sniff*

*Lick Lick*

Ok, back away you crazy beast!

Me hiking back down Missouri Gulch.

Me enjoying the scenery.


Unknown said...

Cool! I never saw a rogue marmot before! - Stacy

Lauren said...

I say find a good marmot recipe and head back up there . . .