"Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity..." --John Muir, 1898

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Greece 2015: First Day in Athens

My first day in Athens I explored the Plaka, which is old-town Athens (where I stayed) below the Acropolis and several neighborhoods near it: Anafiotika, a village-like neighborhood with barely-room-to-squeeze-through lanes just below the Acropolis; Monastiraki, a square-centric area filled with shops, eateries, ruins, and views of the Acropolis; and Syntagma, where are Parliament and the bustling Constitution Square.

No need to adjust your monitor. I've processed these photos in a variety of ways to lend some individual expression to them. I hope you enjoy them.

Changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider below Parliament.
Church of Kapnikarea.
Mosaic on the Church of Kapnikarea.
Church of Agios Eleftherios.
Side street in the Plaka.
Hadrian's Arch just outside the...
Temple of Olympian Zeus (The Olympieion).
Corinthian columns, Temple of Olympian Zeus.
View of the Acropolis from the Temple of Olympian Zeus.
Columns, Temple of Olympian Zeus.
Detail of columns, Temple of Olympian Zeus.
Detail of columns, Temple of Olympian Zeus.
Visitors to the Temple of Olympian Zeus.
A street in the Anafiotika neighborhood.
Graffiti, Anafiotika neighborhood.
Ruins of the Roman Forum.
Monastiraki Square with a view to the Acropolis.

Click here for the next day.

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