"Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity..." --John Muir, 1898

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Greece 2015: Return to Athens

I returned to Athens in the morning from Nafplio. I had an entire day to spend before flying home the next morning, so I decided to see the National Archeological Museum which I had placed high on my list of things to see the first time in Athens but could not due to time constraints. I only brought my phone to the museum so that's the camera I used. The following snapshots are a few of the pieces I found interesting among the best collection of Greek art in the world.

Gold funeral adornment from Mycenae.
Gold death mask from Mycenae (1550 BCE) sometimes called the "Mask of Agamemnon".
House of the Warrior Krater Mycenaean painted vessel, 13th century BCE
Bust of Antinous. 130-138 CE
Colossal head of Zeus. 150 BCE.
Bronze statue of a youth (Perseus?). c. 340 BCE.
The Artemision Jockey. 140 BCE.
The Artemisian Bronze (Poseidon? Zeus?) c. 460 BCE.
Dipylon Vase. This thing is as tall as me. Used as a grave marker. c. 750 BCE.
A small riot broke out in front of the museum as I was leaving. Lots of police in riot gear, fire trucks. I imagine this is a somewhat common occurrence in Greece these days, but I hadn't seen anything like it my entire visit.

Click here to return to the first day.

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